A Parent Forum will be hosted by members of the School Committee on Wednesday, Oct 3rd, at 6:30PM in the Fowler Library. This is a follow-up to a similar event held last year and a great way for the School Committee to hear from parents in a more informal setting.
almost 6 years ago, Justin Hemm
The Maynard SEPAC invites you to our Parent Social! Is your child on an IEP or a 504? Do you have questions about whether your child should be getting services from the school? Come to the social for a chance to meet and talk with other parents and members of SEPAC (the Special Education Parents Advisory Council). We are gathering on Tuesday, October 2 at the Fowler School Library at 7:00 p.m. Ask questions, learn more, and meet other awesome families! Please RSVP to Karen Heath at sepacoutreach@maynard.k12.ma.us or at 978-394-6183. Free and open to the public.
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Gaudet
A Parent Forum will be hosted by members of the School Committee on Wednesday, Oct 3rd, at 6:30PM in the Fowler Library. This is a follow-up to a similar event held last year and a great way for the School Committee to hear from parents in a more informal setting. Parents will have the opportunity to engage school committee members with thoughts, concerns and questions. All are welcome. We hope you can join us!
almost 6 years ago, Dawn Capello
There will be a Technology Information coffee for parents on Thursday, September 13th, from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. We will be meeting in the Central Office conference room at Fowler School.
almost 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Had a great Technology Information Coffee with parents his morning. Talked about 1:1 program, computer science curriculum, and general educational technology. Great to have parents with so much interest, questions, and insight about Maynard Public Schools.
almost 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Photograph from meeting
There will be a Parent Forum hosted by members of the Maynard School Committee on Wednesday, October 3rd, at 6:30PM in the Fowler School Library. This Forum is a follow-up to a similar event held last year which was well attended and a great way for the School Committee to hear from parents in a more informal setting. Parents and Caregivers will have the opportunity to engage school committee members with thoughts, concerns and questions. All are welcome. We hope you can join us!
almost 6 years ago, Robert J. Gerardi, Jr. PhD
There will be a Technology Information coffee for parents on Wednesday, September 12th, from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM. We will be meeting in the Central Office conference room at Fowler School.
almost 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Superintendent's News 8/31/18 https://www.maynard.k12.ma.us/article/59655
almost 6 years ago, Robert J. Gerardi, Jr. PhD
August 2018 - Technology Announcements http://www.maynard.k12.ma.us/article/58573
almost 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Bus registration for the 2018/2019 school year begins on May 7. Registration will take place at the administrative offices located at Fowler School from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Forms and waiver forms will be available to download on our website and all school offices starting on May 4, 2018. No forms will be accepted before May 7. $270.00 for the 1st student and $220 for each student thereafter.
over 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Note: if you have a student entering 7th grade at a distance of 2 miles or more, you must now pay the fee. Any questions, please call Colleen Moore at 978-897-2222.
over 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Welcome to our new website! Don't forget to head over to the iOS/Play store and download our new app, too!
over 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
Here is our new logo!
over 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik
It's a beautiful day at Maynard Public Schools!
over 6 years ago, Stephen Woicik