More fun moments from field day! Kudos to the planners for fun games like ‘drip, drip, douse.’
over 5 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Field day
Mr. Mehigan Sack Race June 2019
Field day 2019
GMS having a great time at field day! Thank you parent volunteer!
over 5 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
‘Choose Kind’ packets & a summer challenge to do 5 kind acts! GM PTO sending this in Thursday Backpacks. Send photos of acts to PTO!
over 5 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Choose Kind
Students have been researching famous women in history. #greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
May 2019 GMS
May 2019 GMS
May 2019 GMS
May 2019 GMS
Mr. Cortez, bilingual SEL para, received a surprise gift today. He wants to pass along a big Thank You to SI families! #greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Staff appreciation week
Mr. Cortez
Looking forward to today’s Staff Appreciation Luncheon organized by PTO! SEPAC made party favors. Thank you #greenmeadowschool families!
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Thank you
SEPAC party favors
Thank you GMS food servers for making lunch time fun! This 2nd grader enjoyed his prize as today’s ‘lucky tray’ winner! #freshpicks
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Lucky tray
1st graders helped Principal Shea make this video overview of our #PBIS initiatives at #GreenMeadowSchool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Principal Shea
Congresswoman Trahan delivered 13 new US Flags to #GreenMeadowSchool to replace those lost in renovations. Thank you @LoriTrahanMA #mps
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Lori Trahan
Ms. Lehman’s Kindergartens doing an awesome job writing!
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Ms. Lehman
Thank you to the volunteers who helped sort, and to the families who donated used books to help replenish our classrooms #Greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Thank you
Students kept telling me how delicious our school pizza is - today I tried it. Now I too am a fan! #freshpicks #greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Bus registration begins Monday! Busses are filled on a first-come first-served basis.and have been known to fill up quilckly.
almost 6 years ago, Colleen Andrade
Bus Registration 2018-19
First graders are learning about stained glass windows in Art class today #greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
It looks like spring inside and outside of #greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Inner courtyard
Primavera is Spanish for Spring
Hallway displays
Our 2nd Graders are learning about pedestrian safety thanks to Ms. O’Donnell from MA Safe Routes #MPS #saferoutes #greenmeadowschool
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Safe Routes Green Meadow
1st Graders explain how #greenmeadowschool used #pbis to bring fun to the school cafe! #maynard
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Today 4/20, Framingham Barnes & Noble sales w/ voucher support Green Meadow or online till 4-27
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Wonderful turn out at tonight’s Art Show & Open House! Thank you Green Meadow Families!
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
Green Meadow 3rd grader with Grandfather
Thank you to the Green Meadow families who purchased Artwork at tonight’s show. Funds raised support the art program.
almost 6 years ago, Mary Beth Shea
GMS Open House 2019
Green Meadow Art Show