More fun moments from field day! Kudos to the planners for fun games like ‘drip, drip, douse.’

GMS having a great time at field day! Thank you parent volunteer!

‘Choose Kind’ packets & a summer challenge to do 5 kind acts! GM PTO sending this in Thursday Backpacks. Send photos of acts to PTO!

Students have been researching famous women in history. #greenmeadowschool

Mr. Cortez, bilingual SEL para, received a surprise gift today. He wants to pass along a big Thank You to SI families! #greenmeadowschool

Looking forward to today’s Staff Appreciation Luncheon organized by PTO! SEPAC made party favors. Thank you #greenmeadowschool families!

Thank you GMS food servers for making lunch time fun! This 2nd grader enjoyed his prize as today’s ‘lucky tray’ winner! #freshpicks

1st graders helped Principal Shea make this video overview of our #PBIS initiatives at #GreenMeadowSchool

Congresswoman Trahan delivered 13 new US Flags to #GreenMeadowSchool to replace those lost in renovations. Thank you @LoriTrahanMA #mps

Ms. Lehman’s Kindergartens doing an awesome job writing!

Thank you to the volunteers who helped sort, and to the families who donated used books to help replenish our classrooms #Greenmeadowschool

Students kept telling me how delicious our school pizza is - today I tried it. Now I too am a fan! #freshpicks #greenmeadowschool

Bus registration begins Monday! Busses are filled on a first-come first-served basis.and have been known to fill up quilckly.

First graders are learning about stained glass windows in Art class today #greenmeadowschool

It looks like spring inside and outside of #greenmeadowschool

Our 2nd Graders are learning about pedestrian safety thanks to Ms. O’Donnell from MA Safe Routes #MPS #saferoutes #greenmeadowschool

1st Graders explain how #greenmeadowschool used #pbis to bring fun to the school cafe! #maynard https://youtu.be/bGzbJz2aytQ

Today 4/20, Framingham Barnes & Noble sales w/ voucher support Green Meadow or online till 4-27 https://www.maynard.k12.ma.us/article/105074

Wonderful turn out at tonight’s Art Show & Open House! Thank you Green Meadow Families!

Thank you to the Green Meadow families who purchased Artwork at tonight’s show. Funds raised support the art program.